The Write Notes
The Newsletter from the St. Joseph Arts Academy
Dear Students & Families,
Hope everyone is ready for a great holiday season. We’ve already had several family dinners with lots more fun to come before the end of 2018.
This is a preview of “What’s Next” for the Academy and our students.
If you ever have any questions or need anything at all, you can REPLY to this email or contact me directly, anytime!
Jason Riley – Director
(816) 294-4856 cell
St. Joseph Arts Academy
Thank you for coming to play at the SJAA and for encouraging the advancing musicians in your life.
We are offering all SJAA students and families some great new benefits with TeacherZone, an online, music lesson management platform.
The teachers have already been using it to take attendance and for in-house communication.
Students, guardians and teachers can each have their own personalized account for transparent communication for all concerned. Finally, a system to help you keep track of what students are learning.
It’s going to be a great tool that incorporates the technology everyone is already using online, with their tablets and phones. We can encourage students the other six days a week by creating online review lessons, assign practice, easily share musical content and more!
Parents can log in and see exactly what’s going on in lessons and at practice time. TZ will also help with scheduling automated payments and communication.
Our students matter most. And we want to provide all the best possible tools for them to succeed.
You will still be able to call, text or email with your teacher if that is your preferred method of communication.
We’ll start rolling out the benefits and features slowly in the days after Christmas.
You should be receiving an email from TZ shortly (or maybe some of you already have and weren’t sure what it was, it is NOT SPAM) with your usernames and passwords.
The software does a ton of stuff and we are still learning it too. If you have any questions or problems, just let us know and we can put you on the right track.
There is also an APP for students.
It’s very cool and exciting stuff!
2019 Lesson Policy
We’ll have updated lesson policies for everyone in the new year. Just a few basic changes and a reminder for the current policies.
We’ll try to get an email out with them too.
It’s been a great year in the new location and truly grateful for everyone that is growing with us.
We want to eliminate any confusion and keep everyone, students and teachers on the same page.
And this is it!
The SJAA got our retail licenses. While we won’t be a full retail store, we will be able to offer some accessories (strings, tuners, etc) at a discount and be able to handle your book orders or keep a few things in stock!
Upcoming Recital Dates
(We encourage our students to get on stage at least twice per year and many do more!)
BOLD are SJAA specific
January 11 – 18 and the 19th AM 2019, (Monster Concert Rehearsals)
January 19 – Monster Concert (Potter Hall, MWSU)
February 10 – 2 pm Recital/ SJAMTA (Potter Hall, MWSU)
March 10 – 2 pm Recital/ SJAMTA (Potter Hall, MWSU)
April 6 – 10am Music at the Mansion (Wyeth Tootle Mansion)
April 13 – Evaluatives (Potter Hall, MWSU)
April 14 – 2 pm Recital (Potter Hall, MWSU)/ 3:30 Honors Recital (First Presbyterian Church)
September 7 – 3pm Coleman Hawkins Blues Festival (Coleman Hawkins Gazebo)
More to come!
Thank you for referring your friends and family to the St. Joseph Arts Academy!
Join us on Facebook. Check out the SJAA Website. Thumbs up to you for SHARING!
I know that is a lot of info so THANK YOU for the time to read the Newsletter from the St. Joseph Arts Academy!
Don’t hesitate to let us know if we can be more helpful in anyway.
It’s going to be a great 2019.
Stay Tuned!
Jason Riley
Copyright © 2018 St. Joseph Arts Academy, All rights reserved.