Stuff the stocking with
MUSIC lessons this year!
Get your loved one a special gift by registering them for lessons and we can even ship it to you for free If you can’t make it down to pick up in person. Everyone loves music and Christmas stockings. We’ll do the work for you and you can save $85.00 at the same time. Get this one time a year special and we’ll prepare a special stocking for the special person in your life to include:
Fully stuffed stocking ready for the hearth (pictured) with:
-One month of lessons certificate (1st lesson free with this special).
-$25.00 music retail certificate for books and music supplies
-Candy canes, Holiday candy
-Custom Cover & Practice Notebook
-Instrument specific goodies:
Drummers get drum sticks
Guitar players get Snark tuners
Voice and piano tuners get special music theory flash cards.
-$35.00 registration voucher.
If you can’t pick it up, we’ll ship it to you for FREE!
Value: $184.00 Your cost: only $99.00!
It’s EASY to get yours! Reply to this email, Call or text us at (816) 974-7656.
Fill out this quick form and mention the stocking promotion:
Or email us at
We’ll take care of the rest. Merry Christmas!